Devotion to Our Lady |
This commemoration was introduced in the liturgical calendar, by decree of Pope Pius VII, on September 16th, 1815, in thanksgiving for his happy return to Rome after a long and painful captivity in Savona and France due to Napoleon’s tyrannical power. The invocation "Help of the Christians" is very old, having been included in the Litany of Loreto by Pope Saint Pius V in 1571, as a token of gratitude to the Most Holy Virgin, by virtue of Christendom’s’ victory in the famous battle of Lepanto. During five years of captivity, Pius VII appealed continuously to Our Lady under the invocation of "Help of Christians". From 1809 to 1812, the Pontiff remained imprisoned in the Italian city of Savona, then making a vow to crown an image of the Mother of Mercy existing there, should he obtain his freedom. In 1812, the Pope was taken to Paris, remaining a prisoner in Fontainebleau, where he suffered enormous sufferings and humiliations inflicted by the French tyrant. But in the course of time, events began providentially to overturn the fortunes of the despot. In 1814, weakened by losses suffered in several fronts and pressured by public opinion, Napoleon permitted his august prisoner to return to Rome. The Supreme Pontiff took advantage of the journey to honor in a special way the Mother of God, crowning her image in Ancona under the invocation of Queen of All Saints. And, fulfilling the vow that he made when still prisoner in Savona, he adorned the forehead of the image of the Mother of Mercy with a golden frond as he passed by that city. The journey continued amid glorious manifestations of reverence on the part of the populace in all the localities where Pius VII passed. And on May 24th, he made a triumphant entrance in Rome, being received by the population at large. As the carriage that transported the Supreme Pontiff advanced with difficulty amid the crowd along the Flavian way, a group of faithful, under the tumultuous applause of the people, withdrew the horses and went on to pull the vehicle up to the Vatican Basilica. Pius VII, attributing this great victory of the Church over the Revolution to the powerful intercession of Mary Most Holy, wanted to show his gratitude by means of establishing a feast day of universal scope dedicated to this beautiful Marian invocation. Such invocation took a new turn in the Catholic world due to the action of one of the greatest saints of modern times: Saint John Bosco, founder of the Society of Saint Francis of Sales (Salesians) and of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. The companions of Saint John Bosco noticed that, from 1860, he began to invoke the Most Holy Virgin under the title of Mary Help of Christians, Maria Auxilium Christianorum. In December of 1862, the Saint made a resolution to build a church dedicated to that invocation. And he declared, on that occasion: "To the Virgin Most Holy whom we desire to honor with the title of 'Help of Christians'; the times we are in are so sad that we truly need the Most Holy Virgin to help us in preserving and defending the Christian Faith as in Lepanto, as in Vienna, as in Savona and Rome.... and it will be the mother church of our future Society and the center from where all our works will radiate in behalf of the youth". Six years after, on May 21st, 1868, the magnificent Church of Mary Help of Christians was solemnly consecrated in Turin by the Archbishop of the city. The dream of Saint Bosco became a reality and since then, that devotion spread specially all over the Catholic world owing, in great measure, to the action of the Salesian Congregation. |
The Abbot Orsini wrote: “Our Lady the New, at Jerusalem, built by the Emperor Justinian, at Jerusalem, in the year 530.” The Emperor Justinian is justifiably famous for his construction of the magnificent church of the Holy Wisdom, the Hagia Sophia, which is now a mosque in Istanbul. There was once another church, though, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin, that must have been just as splendid of an architecture wonder as the Hagia Sophia, but that was destroyed by an earthquake. Recent archeological excavations have uncovered the foundation to the church, but there was also one of Justinian’s court historians, a man named Procopius of Caesarea, who wrote in great detail about the construction of the Nea (church of Our Lady the New): “These things the Emperor Justinian accomplished by human strength and skill, but he was also assisted by his pious faith, which rewarded him with the honor he received and aided him in this cherished plan. The church required throughout columns whose appearance would not fall short of the beauty of the building and of such a size that they could resist the weight of the load which would rest upon them. However, the site itself, being very far from the sea inland and walled about on all sides by hills that were quite steep, made it impossible for those who were preparing the foundations to bring columns from outside. But when the impossibility of this task was causing the Emperor to become impatient, God revealed a natural supply of stone perfectly suited to this purpose in the nearby hills, one which had either lain there in concealment previously, or was created at that moment. Either explanation is credible to those who trace the cause of it to God; for while we, in estimating all things by the scale of man’s power, consider many things to be wholly impossible, for God nothing in the whole world can be difficult or impossible. So the church is supported on all sides by a number of huge columns from that place, which in color resemble flames of fire, some standing below and some above and others in the stoas which surround the whole church except on the side facing the east. Two of these columns stand before the door of the church, exceptionally large and probably second to no column in the whole world. Here is added another colonnaded stoa which is called the narthex, I suppose because it is not broad. Beyond this is a court with similar columns standing on the four sides. From this there lead doors to the interior which are so stately that they proclaim to those walking outside what kind of sight they will meet within. Beyond there is a wonderful gateway and an arch, carried on two columns, which rises to a very great height. Then as one advances there are two semi-circles which stand facing each other on one side of the road which leads to the church, while facing each other on the other side are two hospices, built by the Emperor Justinian. One of these is destined for the shelter of visiting strangers, while the other is an infirmary for poor persons suffering from diseases.” Archaeologists working in the region near Jerusalem believe they have found this miraculous quarry. They have found a stone pillar that was cracked, and therefore not used, in a field of similar stones. Although the field cannot be linked to the Nea, it does seem to prove that the stone for the church was available for the project. The church of Our Lady the New was built on Mount Zion and completed in 543, but was later destroyed during an earthquake in the year 746. Recent archeology confirms that the church was very large for the time at over 100 meters long and 52 meters wide, and probably had 5 aisles. Antoninus of Piacenza, who visited the basilica in about 570, wrote: “with its great congregation of monks, and its guest houses for men and women. In catering for travelers they have a vast number of tables, and more than three thousand beds for the sick.” |
An Italian shrine to Our Lady of Caravaggio near Milan is said to have its origin in 1432, when the Mother of God is reported to have appeared in a vision to a sick peasant woman and pointed out to her a healing stream, where the woman was cured and may other miracles and cures were effected. The present church is due to the initiative of Saint Charles Borromeo; it is approached through an arch on which stand statues of Mary and the woman she helped at the origin of the shrine. There are three main pilgrimages to the present shrine each year. The story of this title of Our Lady begins in the first half of the 15th century. Giovannetta, pious daughter of Pietro Vacchi, intended to become a nun, but her father had different ideas; to please him, she married a farmer named Francesco Varoli. The marriage was unhappy – Francisco was not a nice fellow and made life miserable for his wife. On May 26, 1432, although Giovannetta was not feeling well, Francesco sent her out to the fields to cut grass for his cattle. After gathering a large bundle of fodder, she sat down to rest; perhaps she dozed a bit, for when she lifted her head, the Blessed Virgin stood before her and told the woman to be of good heart, her troubles would soon be over. Jesus was displeased by the sins of the people, but Giovannetta could obtain mercy for them if they repented and changed their ways – otherwise Christ would punish them all. Mary also said she wished a church built in that spot in her honor – she charged Giovannetta to make known her wishes to all the people and promised if they obeyed, she would bless them with many favors and miracles; then Mary vanished. But as a memento of her appearance Mary left behind the imprint of her feet in a stone upon which she had stood, and from beneath the stone a spring of pure water gushed. Giovannetta hurried to Caravaggio and told everyone of the apparition and the things the Virgin, Our Lady of Caravaggio, had confided to her; few believed her; in fact, they greeted her story with scorn and derision. A little later, some of the people chanced to bathe in the stream flowing from beneath the rock and were amazed to find their aches and pains had mysteriously vanished. Others followed and the same thing happened to them. Then, they remembered Giovannetta’s story of the apparition and began to believe her. The incident spread far and wide, and the people, assisted by Filberto Marie Visconti, Duke of Milan, built a shrine on the place of the vision As great crowds came to the shrine to offer homage to Our Lady, the shrine was too small to accommodate them; so, in 1575, Carlo Borromeo (later Saint Charles) employed the celebrated architect, Pellegrino Pellegrini to enlarge it. Later additions and changes were further made, resulting in the present sanctuary. A statue of the Virgin of Our Lady of Caravaggio was placed in the enlarged sanctuary – this statue depicts Our Lady blessing Giovannetta; it supposedly occupies the very spot on which the Virgin stood during the apparition; and from beneath Mary’s feet, the little stream of water still flows. |
The Abbot Orsini wrote: “Dedication of Our Lady of Naples, called Saint Mary Major, by Pope John II, in the year 533. A picture of the Blessed Virgin, painted by Saint Luke, has been carefully preserved in this church.” The Basilica Sanctuary of Carmine Maggiore is one of the largest basilicas in Naples. Dating back to the thirteenth century, it stands in the Piazza Carmine in Naples, on one side of what once was the market square. According to tradition, the Carmelites fled from the Holy Land during the persecution following the Islamic invasion of the Holy Land, bringing with them the icon of the Virgin of Tenderness believed to be painted by Saint Luke the evangelist. It was said to be the first image venerated by the ancient Carmelite Order, and once in Naples, it was enshrined above the high altar of their church. The icon became known as La Bruna, or Madonna Bruna, because of the dark tone of the skin caused by the votive candles which had burned before it for centuries. In the year 1500 the Black Madonna was taken in procession to Rome. Many miracles occurred in the course of the pilgrimage, and the icon was displayed at Saint Peter’s Basilica for three days. There were so many miracles that occurred that when the icon returned home the ruler of Naples, Federico d’Aragona, King Frederic II, decided to test the Mother of God. King Frederic had the audacity to seemingly demand a miracle from heaven. He ordered all of the sick, the lame, the blind, the crippled, and anyone of his kingdom with any kind of malady to come to the church on June 24th to implore a cure from heaven. He instructed that they were all to assemble having had examinations and with written documentation as proof of their sickness or disability on the appointed day. On June 24th of that year a Holy Mass was celebrated in the presence of the king, his nobles and all the people. During the consecration a ray of vivid light was seen to rest on the face of the Madonna, and at the same time reflecting its light upon each of the sick and infirm. In that instant they were cured of their maladies, and this miraculous cure was authenticated by many witnesses. |
The Abbot Orsini wrote: “Feast of the Relics of Our Lady, at Venice, where are exposed to the veneration of the faithful, portions of the robe of the Blessed Virgin, of her mantle, veil, and girdle.” In the city of Venice it was believed that the sacred relics of Saint Mark the Evangelist were transferred there in the year 827. As the possessors of the Evangelists's relics, the Venetians honored Saint Mark as the patron of their city, and the churches of the city teem with images depicting scenes from his life. By the time of the Renaissance, the Lion of St. Mark had become the symbol for the city itself. The other patron and guardian of Venice was the Blessed Virgin Mary, for according to legend the city had been founded on the feast of the Annunciation. It therefore seemed to the people of Venice that their city had also assumed her attributes of purity, perfection and immortality. Unwalled, their city had remained the refuge of worthy men and singularly unconquered for over a millennium. All of Mary’s feast-days were also days celebrated by the secular government throughout the entire Republic. There is in Venice a spectacular 18th century reliquary that contains an extremely rare first class relic of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Within this reliquary, which bears the personal seal of Pope Pius VI, is a bundle of the Blessed Virgin's own hair. Since the Blessed Virgin Mary was taken into heaven both body and soul after her death, it is not possible that any other physical relics of her could exist. The sole possible exception would be her hair, and this bundle of her hair had been preserved and venerated since the time of her Assumption in the Holy House of Nazareth. Recent archeological excavations have proven that the Holy House was treated as a Christian sanctuary as early as the 1st century AD. The bundle of the Blessed Virgin's hair is believed to have been brought from the Holy Land by the Crusaders, and is venerated in Venice in the Basilica of Saint Mark. |
The Abbot Orsini wrote: “A wax candle is kept in the cathedral of Arras, which is held to have been brought thither by Our Lady, in the year 1095.” Our Lady of Ardents, or Eglise Notre-Dame des Ardents d’Arras in French, is a small, charming red brick church in the lower part of town in Arras, France. It was built in the beautiful style unique to the twelfth century in order to celebrate the appearance of the Blessed Virgin, and to commemorate the miraculous assistance she gave to the people then living in the region. According to Tradition, there was a terrible epidemic that was given the name ‘the hellfire’ that ravaged the countryside in that year of 1105, and all men felt that they were in the clutch of the specter of Death. The Evil of Ardent, the disease caused a kind of gangrene in the limbs, and the strange sickness caused terrible suffering in all parts of the body, and laid low both men and women, and even their children throughout the whole of the region. There were at that time two minstrels, one named Itier, who lived in Brabant, and the other named Norman, who lived in the Chateau de Saint-Pol. They had vowed a mortal hatred, as Norman had killed Itier’s brother. One night they both had the same dream: the Virgin Mary, dressed in white, appeared to them and told them to go to the cathedral. Norman, who was closer, arrived first. As he entered the cathedral he saw all the patients who had taken refuge there. He found the bishop and told him of the apparition, but Bishop Lambert thought that Norman was mocking him and sent him away. Itier arrived the following day and also spoke to the bishop. When the bishop told Itier that someone named Norman had come to tell him of the same vision, ltier asked where he was, because he intended to kill him on the field to avenge his brother’s death. Bishop Lambert then understood that the Blessed Virgin had sent the two men to be reconciled. The bishop spoke to each separately and then put them in each other’s presence and asked them to give each other the kiss of peace and then spend the night in prayer inside the cathedral. It was Pentecost Sunday, May 28, 1105, at about three o’clock in the morning, when the Virgin Mary appeared to the two minstrels in the Cathedral. Norman and Itier witnessed a sudden light as the Blessed Virgin descended from the height of the nave, carrying a lighted candle in her hands. She gave the men the candle intended for the healing of the sick, and explained to them what they must do. A few drops of the wax that fell from the candle were to be mingled with water, giving it miraculous properties the people would then drink. All who believed were healed. The two minstrels, now brothers, distributed the miraculous water and the epidemic was stopped, for the patients would regain their health after they drank of the water mixture. There were many prodigies of healing that went on for hundreds of years, especially with wounds, inflammations, and ulcers. All of this shows how reconciliation and prayer are pleasing to God and can precipitate great miracles, such as curing diseases, ending natural disasters, as well as ending or preventing wars. The Bishop of Arras wanted to build a church worthy of Our Lady of Ardents and to receive the relic of the Holy Candle, and the church was consecrated in 1876 just before the definitive establishment of the Third Republic. This relic, the Holy Candle, can still be seen today. On the eve of Corpus Christi and the four following days, the Holy Candle was lit and shown to the people. It has not diminished. The reliquary of the Holy Candle is a masterpiece of art that preserves the relic of the Holy Candle since the time of the thirteenth century. The content of the reliquary has been the object of Christian veneration since the Middle Ages, and every year it is presented to pilgrims during the time period which runs between Ascension Thursday and Pentecost. Pope Calixtus III grants indulgences to those who visit the Cathedral of Arras, where a veil & sash of Our Lady are kept (1455) The Abbot Orsini wrote: “Grant of indulgences, by Pope Calixtus II, in the year 1455, to those who shall visit the cathedral of Arras, where a veil and girdle of Our Lady are preserved.” |
When Hitler’s armies defeated the French and entered the city of Paris during the latter part of 1939, a young woman, Maria Hendizabal, fled from France to live in Mexico. Arriving at Vera Cruz, she went to the Mexican capital to make a new home. Among her few possessions she had a large picture of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart which she wished to give to some church for safekeeping, since she would be obliged to live in a small town and expected to have nothing more than a small room for herself. Padre Juan Gomez of the Church of San Jose (Saint Joseph) allowed her to place the image on the wall of the vestibule on February 2, 1940. That very same evening a nine year old boy, who was afflicted with infantile paralysis, was immediately cured after praying before the lovely image of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. The youth left his crutches on the floor of the vestibule and hurried home to tell his mother. The news of his cure spread rapidly and the next day hundreds of the faithful visited the church, where before, there was never an attendance of more than a hundred at Sunday Mass. This cure was followed by others, and day by day the crowds grew larger. After a week the pastor had to take the picture down from the wall of the vestibule and place it in the front of the church where it could be more easily viewed by the crowds clamoring to see it. Since Mexico abounds in silver, the usual way of acknowledging favors is to make a gift of precious silver. At present the entire left wall of the church is covered with silver remembrances donated by the recipients of favors received from Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. Even though the shrine of Our Lady has existed for only 27 years (as of 1966), there have been thousands of cures performed through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin. These cures have been verified by affidavits signed by reliable physicians in the presence of notaries; the documents may still be seen in the present day at the shrine. One father, in gratitude for the cure of his daughter, had a silversmith make a new frame for the picture. The picture frame is a fitting gift, and is indescribably beautiful. |
Mary is Queen by grace, divine relationship, right of conquest, and singular election. Coming as a crowning event in the beautiful month of May, the Queenship of Mary, we welcome this feast with spiritual affection and experience a sense of deep interior peace as we gather in her presence to rededicate ourselves to our loving Mother and Queen. The Introit of the Mass for the day tells us: “Let us all rejoice in the Lord as we celebrate the feast in honor of our Queen, the Blessed Virgin Mary, upon whom the Angels rejoice and praise the Son of God.” The Queenship of Mary is not an empty title or an honorary distinction showing forth her excellence of virtue, of grandeur, sanctity or glory. Mary is truly a Queen as can be seen in the Gospel of the Mass; the Angel Gabriel greeted Mary with the most startling words ever addressed to a child of Adam: “Hail thou who art full of grace: the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women.” Then he continues, “Do not be afraid; thou hast found favor in the sight of God. And thou shalt bear a son and call Him Jesus. He shall be great and men will know Him for the Son of God, the Most High; the Lord will give Him the throne of his father David, and He shall reign over the house of Jacob eternally; His kingdom shall never end.” Here is the foundation for our belief in the Queenship of Mary – her Divine Motherhood; she conceived a King. Mary is “Queen by grace” because she was conceived immaculate, preserved from the slightest taint of sin while her soul was literally inundated with divine grace. “Hail, thou art full of grace.” She is “Queen by divine relationship” for she is related in the first degree of consanguinity in the direct line to Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the Son of God. A Queen Mother is one whose son later becomes king. Mary’s Child, however at the moment of His birth, was already a King, the King of the world. Spiritual writers point out for our consolation that Mary’s maternal relationship to Jesus was more exclusive than the other mothers, sine He had no human father. Our Lady is Queen also “by right of conquest;” Our Lord by His Passion and Death recaptured the human race from the slavery of Satan, conquering all as a King. Calvary was the scene of this conquest. Mary at the foot of the Cross shared intimately with Him in His Sacrifice and the fruits of the Redemption. At first it may be somewhat difficult to picture Mary as a Queen, since we think in terms of royalty of the world; yet when we think of the souls who preceded us in the household of the Faith, and glance at Christian art, as it sings of her Queenship, it is not a problem at all. Majestically, Christ said to Pilate, “My Kingdom is not of this world,” so, too, Our Lady acknowledges herself in humility as a Queen whom all generations call blessed; but she, too, would add, “my kingdom is not of this world.” In the Litany of Our Lady, we address her as Queen of Angels, Patriarchs, Prophets, Martyrs, Confessors, Virgins; of Peace, of the Most Holy Rosary; conceived without original sin; and, Queen assumed into Heaven. Christian art represents her crowned with a diadem holding a scepter, seated on a throne. The purpose of this feast, Queenship of Mary, is to stir up renewed love and devotion to her; to gather before her throne in heaven, and humbly offer her our homage, unreserved, totally, prayerfully and with the simplicity of abandonment that characterizes a devoted child – “Reign over hearts and minds of men that they seek what is true; over their wills, to follow solely the good; over their hearts to love nothing but what you love…that man may seek and know the truth and follow what is good, Oh Queen!” |
"Follow Me!" said Jesus. Follow Him with this map!
THE PATHS OF JESUS DURING HOLY WEEK NOW AVAILABLE! Click on the image to the left for the Downloads Page Available in TWO SIZES ONLY due to the volume of print 13 x 19 inches & 11 x 17 inches This map of Jerusalem contains color coded routes for each different day, showing the paths that Jesus entering and leaving Jerusalem, and the places He visited, up to His death on Calvary A great way to follow Our Lord, getting a sense of His movements during His final days and hours! |
POSTERS: The Characters of Holy Week!
2. THE SADDUCEES NOW AVAILABLE ! Who were the Sadducees? What do you really know about them? What were their origins? How did they evolve into what they were? What did they believe? What were the chief problems and confrontations that they had with Jesus? Download this educative poster and have a better understanding of the intrigues, machinations and plots of Holy Week! Available in two sizes only: 13 x 19 inches and 11 x 17 inches. (due to the sheer quantity of text, a Letter Size version is impossible). |
POSTERS: The Characters of Holy Week!
1. THE PHARISEES NOW AVAILABLE ! Who were the Pharisees? What do you really know about them? What were their origins? How did they evolve into what they were? What did they believe? What were the chief problems and confrontations that they had with Jesus? Download this educative poster and have a better understanding of the intrigues, machinations and plots of Holy Week! Available in two sizes only: 13 x 19 inches and 11 x 17 inches. (due to the sheer quantity of text, a Letter Size version is impossible). |
Poster for download click here to go to the download page POSTER IS AVAILABLE IN THREE SIZES
8.5 x 11 inches 11 x 17 inches 13 x 19 inches Some spend hours on the internet Surfing, searching for what they can get About the world's demise they want to know But to Creator of the world they rarely go If you count the hours on the website spent It is more than the hours of prayer during Lent Perhaps we should seek much less to know And seek much more spiritually to grow |
click on the poster to go to the downloads page POSTER IS AVAILABLE IN TWO SIZES
11 x 17 inches 13 x 19 inches This poster covers the essential mechanics and tactics involved in temptation and the reasons why God's Providence allows temptation in the first place. It also looks at what can be done to alleviate and forestall temptations. |
Don't Miss Out on
Your Ash Wednesday Posters Both posters are in Adobe PDF format ASH WEDNESDAY MONK Contains the prayers used for the blessing of the ashes and some meditative thoughts on the ashes. ASHES ON FOREHEAD POSTER Contains the history behind the use of ashes on Ash Wednesday POSTER IS AVAILABLE IN TWO SIZES 11 x 17 inches 13 x 19 inches |
Listing the Holy Days of Obligation and other important feasts of the Liturgical Year This poster is available in TWO SIZES. (1) Adobe PDF file (11 inches x 17 inches) (2) Adobe PDF file (13 inches x 19 inches) THE CALENDAR POSTERS ARE FOUND AT THE TOP OF THE DOWNLOADS PAGE (click here) or on the poster opposite. A Jesse Tree is a depiction of the genealogy of Jesus designed in such a way as to show that He springs from the "root of Jesse" as stated by the prophecy of Isaias 11:1: “And there shall come forth a rod out of the root of Jesse [David's father], and a flower shall rise up out of his root.” This prophecy was recalled by St. Paul, and on the first Sunday of Advent, we remember his words with the Epistle reading of Romans 15:4-13, which reads, in part: “Wherefore receive one another, as Christ also hath received you unto the honor of God. For I say that Christ Jesus was minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers. But that the Gentiles are to glorify God for His mercy, as it is written: ‘Therefore will I confess to Thee, O Lord, among the Gentiles, and will sing to Thy name!’ And again he saith: ‘Rejoice, ye Gentiles, with His people!’ And again: ‘Praise the Lord, all ye Gentiles; and magnify Him, all ye people!’ And again Isaias saith: ‘There shall be a root of Jesse; and He that shall rise up to rule the Gentiles, in Him the Gentiles shall hope!’” |
Poster available in THREE sizes (1) A PDF poster measuring 8.5 x 11 inches (Letter Size) (2) A PDF poster measuring 11 x 17 inches (Tabloid Size) (3) A PDF poster measuring 13 x 19 inches (Super Photo Size) Immaculate Heart of Mary, Heart of my Mother, Our Lady of Guadalupe, I unite to thy purity, thy sanctity, thy zeal and thy love, All my thoughts, words, actions, and sufferings of this day, That there may be nothing in me that does not become, through thee, A pleasure to Jesus, a profit to souls, And an act of reparation for the offenses against thy Heart. Amen. |
Poster available in THREE sizes (1) A PDF poster measuring 11 x 8.5 inches (Letter Size) (2) A PDF poster measuring 17 x 11 inches (Tabloid Size) (3) A PDF poster measuring 19 x 13 inches (Super Photo Size) For Holy Mass I must myself prepare!
But is time spent on prayer or my face and hair? I must take care to appear my best! But is it for Our Lord, or all the rest? Do I go Our Lord to see? Or do I go so that all can see me? |
CLICK HERE OR ON THE BOOK COVER TO GO TO THE APPROPRIATE PAGE At the expressed desire of the Directors of the Bulletin Notre Dame de la Bonne Mort (Our Lady of the Good Death), this pamphlet is published with all the reservations ordered by the Church in the decree of Pope Urban VIII, and as a purely historical document. It was sent to that periodical by a zealous and devout missionary and is a pious document based on alleged conversations between a nun and a soul in Purgatory. This manuscript contains very interesting statements about the life beyond the grave, particularly about Purgatory. The details are intermingled with much spiritual direction. Its authenticity is beyond doubt. A nun, identified for us merely as Sister M. de L. C., of a convent at V., without warning began to hear prolonged sighs beside her. This was in November 1873. She cried out, “Oh, who are you, you frighten me. Whatever you do, don’t show yourself. Tell me, who are your?” No answer was forthcoming. The sighs continued and even came nearer. In vain did the poor Sister multiply her prayers, communions, ways of the cross, and rosaries. The sighs did not cease and remained unexplained until February 15, 1874, when a voice she recognized was heard saying: “Do not be afraid, you will not see me in my sufferings. I am Sister M. G.” Sister M. G. was a nun who had died at V., a victim to devotion and duty, February 22nd, 1871, at the age of 36.
Poster available in THREE sizes 1. PDF 8.5 inches by 11 inches 2. PDF 11 inches by 17 inches 3. PDF 13 inches by 19 inches (click here) to go to downloads page |
Poster available in THREE sizes 1. Adobe PDF 8.5 inches by 11 inches 2. Adobe PDF 11 inches by 17 inches 3. Adobe PDF 13 inches by 19 inches (click here) to go to downloads page |
Poster available in THREE sizes 1. PDF 8.5 inches by 11 inches 2. PDF 11 inches by 17 inches 3. PDF 13 inches by 19 inches (click here) to go to downloads page |
(feast day today: October 24th) Click on the St. Raphael poster alongside to go to the DOWNLOADS page. Scroll down and look under "ANGEL POSTERS" Available in THREE sizes (1) Letter Size ( 8.5 inches x 11 inches) (2) Tabloid Size (11 inches x 17 inches) (3) Super Photo Size (13 inches x 19 inches) |
Poster FATIMA MIRACLE OF THE SUN Poster available in TWO sizes only 1. Adobe PDF 11 inches by 17 inches 2. Adobe PDF 13 inches by 19 inches (click here) to go to downloads page |
Poster available in THREE sizes (1) A PDF poster measuring 11 x 8.5 inches (Letter Size) (2) A PDF poster measuring 17 x 11 inches (Tabloid Size) (3) A PDF poster measuring 19 x 13 inches (Super Photo Size) Praying like a machine-gun may be fun,
But with fast prayers battles are seldom won! Yet victory needs bullets to fly through the air. Likewise the Church's triumph needs lots of prayer. In war a soldier fights more than just ten minutes a day Soldiers of Christ must force themselves much more to pray. |
Poster available in LETTER size only (click here) to go to downloads page (1) A PDF poster measuring 11 x 8.5 inches (Letter Size) Our thorn-crowned Savior stands alone
His "faithful" followers have all away flown The banner of the Cross is unfurled Yet they prefer the banner of the world No prayer, or penance, or sacrifice is found As the worldlings prefer to flock around The allurements that the world presents Making Hell rejoice, while Heaven laments Blindly they follow the broad wide road Seeking fun, rejecting the Cross and its load For pleasure and wealth is before their eyes Blinding them to their ultimate demise |
Poster available in THREE sizes (1) A PDF poster measuring 11 x 8.5 inches (Letter Size) (2) A PDF poster measuring 17 x 11 inches (Tabloid Size) (3) A PDF poster measuring 19 x 13 inches (Super Photo Size) Do you have a license to pray?
Or do you wing it every day? The Rules of Prayer do you heed? Or do you disregard them as you speed? Prayer can be a matter of life and death So don't blurt out prayers in one single breath! He who prays well, also lives well But he who prays badly may end up in ....! |
Poster available in THREE sizes (1) A PDF poster measuring 11 x 8.5 inches (Letter Size) (2) A PDF poster measuring 17 x 11 inches (Tabloid Size) (3) A PDF poster measuring 19 x 13 inches (Super Photo Size) Our Lord came the world to save
Yet we make ourselves of the world a slave! The Kingdom of God we first should seek, Yet most seek the world all through the week! We gorge on the world with appetite unrestrained, Until the prince of the world has us entangled and chained! |
A saint who is sad, is indeed a sad saint!
Yet if your god is your belly, a saint you ain't! A bit of humor with a little truth, Can help us change, as we grow long in the sweet tooth! Many a true word can be said in jest, If their goal is to bring out of us our best! Faith grows dim when we God no longer seek; And that, in turn, makes our love of God weak! For we were made to love God with all our heart! Yet today God is forsaken and many from Him depart! When man turns from God to material things, Inevitably chastisement this brings! |
Crosswords can be a fun way of reminding ourselves of what we already know and also learning new facts that we did not know. We hope to regularly post crosswords that deal with a variety of aspects concerning Our Lady: her life, her apparitions, her messages and devotion to her in general. We hope you find time over your favorite snack or drink to tackle these not-too-difficult crosswords.
You can download each crossword in an Adobe PDF format (which will include the blank crossword, the clues and a filled-in crossword showing the correct answers; or you can print the crossword from what you see online, that is on your computer screen (which will include the blank crossword and the clues, BUT NO ANSWERS, as the answers will be posted a day or two later. Enjoy! Ave Maria! (CLICK HERE TO GO TO THE CROSSWORD PUZZLE PAGE) |