Devotion to Our Lady |
One morning in 1717, three fishermen in Brazil poled their boat into the Parahyba River which flowed along the outskirts of their village. Their luck was bad- for hours they cast their nets but caught no fish. They decided to give up for the day; then for some reason, they wanted to make one more try. Alves threw out his net and slowly pulled it in. There was something in it – not a fish, but something that looked like a chunk of wood. When he lifted it from the net, it turned out to be a headless statue of the Blessed Virgin. The fisherman cast his net into the water again. When he pulled it into his boat, he found that this time it held a roundish piece of wood – the head from the very same statue. He picked up both pieces and found that they fitted perfectly together. Obeying an impulse, Alves lowered his net one more time. When Alves began to pull the net back in, he found he could hardly lift the net because it was bulging with fish. His companions threw out their nets and they had the same luck. A few more casts and their boats were filled with fish. The next day they fastened the head to the body of the statue, cleaned it, and one of them set it up in his humble dwelling. The story of the statue and the immense catch of fish spread and every evening people came to pay homage to the Blessed Virgin. They gave it the name Aparecida, “She who appeared.” Soon a little chapel was erected – the crowds were too big for the humble cottage; then a larger chapel was built. Our Lady well repaid those who honored her, for numerous cures and even extraordinary miracles took place at her shrine. In 1846, work began on the construction of a new church, completed in 1888, and the statue was transferred to it. In 1904 by order of the Holy Father, the image was solemnly crowned. In 1909 the church was raised to the level of a minor basilica; in 1930 Pope Pius XI promoted it to a Basilica and officially declared Our Lady of Aparecida the Patroness of Brazil. Our Lady of Aparecida has been specifically targeted on several occasions by the Protestants in Brazil, as on May 16, 1978, a Protestant attempted to steal the statue, taking it from its niche and casting it on the ground when he was stopped by guards and parishioners. Since the statue is made of clay, it was smashed into many pieces and took a great effort on the part of talented artisans to repair. |
The Abbot Orsini wrote: “This image has wrought so many miracles in this church, that it is called Our Lady of Power, though it is dedicated to Saint Christopher.” Known now as Notre-Dame-des-Vertus, this is the 14th century church in Aubervilliers that is the very location that experienced so many miracles during the Middle Ages. As noted by the Abbot Orsini, the church was originally dedicated to Saint Christopher, yet the name soon changed to honor the Mother of God in recognition of the graces and miracles obtained there due to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The first miracle occurred on May 14th, 1336, known locally at the Miracle of Rain. It was during a time of terrible drought when a small girl entered the church of Saint Christopher with flowers to adorn the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary. While praying that Our Lady would send rain to save the crops, the girl suddenly noticed that the statue became covered with what appeared to be drops of sweat and the sky turned dark as the weather turned to rain. The inhabitants of the parish flocked to the church, alerted by the sound of the church bell, to see the wonder and give thanks to God for this miracle. This was but the beginning of the pilgrimages to the church that began almost immediately, especially from the parishes of Paris. These pilgrimages were encouraged by the authorities of the Church, as well as by the example of the many distinguished visitors and the continued occurrences of many other miracles over the following centuries. These miracles included many cures and healings, as well as the miracles of two children who were brought back to life. Kings and queen were among the many pilgrims who came during the Middle Ages, including King Louis XIII, who came to pray for the capture of Rochelle. The Archbishop of Paris confirmed the celebration of the festival on the second Tuesday of May, which is the month of Mary. The small sanctuary was later replaced by a more imposing church whose construction began in the fifteenth century. Particularly remarkable are the stained glass windows that adorn the church and remind the visitor of the extraordinary history of this place. The miraculous wooden statue of Our Lady of Power was desecrated and burned on October 12, 1793, during the ravages of the French Revolution. |
"Follow Me!" said Jesus. Follow Him with this map!
THE PATHS OF JESUS DURING HOLY WEEK NOW AVAILABLE! Click on the image to the left for the Downloads Page Available in TWO SIZES ONLY due to the volume of print 13 x 19 inches & 11 x 17 inches This map of Jerusalem contains color coded routes for each different day, showing the paths that Jesus entering and leaving Jerusalem, and the places He visited, up to His death on Calvary A great way to follow Our Lord, getting a sense of His movements during His final days and hours! |
POSTERS: The Characters of Holy Week!
2. THE SADDUCEES NOW AVAILABLE ! Who were the Sadducees? What do you really know about them? What were their origins? How did they evolve into what they were? What did they believe? What were the chief problems and confrontations that they had with Jesus? Download this educative poster and have a better understanding of the intrigues, machinations and plots of Holy Week! Available in two sizes only: 13 x 19 inches and 11 x 17 inches. (due to the sheer quantity of text, a Letter Size version is impossible). |
POSTERS: The Characters of Holy Week!
1. THE PHARISEES NOW AVAILABLE ! Who were the Pharisees? What do you really know about them? What were their origins? How did they evolve into what they were? What did they believe? What were the chief problems and confrontations that they had with Jesus? Download this educative poster and have a better understanding of the intrigues, machinations and plots of Holy Week! Available in two sizes only: 13 x 19 inches and 11 x 17 inches. (due to the sheer quantity of text, a Letter Size version is impossible). |
Poster for download click here to go to the download page POSTER IS AVAILABLE IN THREE SIZES
8.5 x 11 inches 11 x 17 inches 13 x 19 inches Some spend hours on the internet Surfing, searching for what they can get About the world's demise they want to know But to Creator of the world they rarely go If you count the hours on the website spent It is more than the hours of prayer during Lent Perhaps we should seek much less to know And seek much more spiritually to grow |
click on the poster to go to the downloads page POSTER IS AVAILABLE IN TWO SIZES
11 x 17 inches 13 x 19 inches This poster covers the essential mechanics and tactics involved in temptation and the reasons why God's Providence allows temptation in the first place. It also looks at what can be done to alleviate and forestall temptations. |
Don't Miss Out on
Your Ash Wednesday Posters Both posters are in Adobe PDF format ASH WEDNESDAY MONK Contains the prayers used for the blessing of the ashes and some meditative thoughts on the ashes. ASHES ON FOREHEAD POSTER Contains the history behind the use of ashes on Ash Wednesday POSTER IS AVAILABLE IN TWO SIZES 11 x 17 inches 13 x 19 inches |
Listing the Holy Days of Obligation and other important feasts of the Liturgical Year This poster is available in TWO SIZES. (1) Adobe PDF file (11 inches x 17 inches) (2) Adobe PDF file (13 inches x 19 inches) THE CALENDAR POSTERS ARE FOUND AT THE TOP OF THE DOWNLOADS PAGE (click here) or on the poster opposite. A Jesse Tree is a depiction of the genealogy of Jesus designed in such a way as to show that He springs from the "root of Jesse" as stated by the prophecy of Isaias 11:1: “And there shall come forth a rod out of the root of Jesse [David's father], and a flower shall rise up out of his root.” This prophecy was recalled by St. Paul, and on the first Sunday of Advent, we remember his words with the Epistle reading of Romans 15:4-13, which reads, in part: “Wherefore receive one another, as Christ also hath received you unto the honor of God. For I say that Christ Jesus was minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers. But that the Gentiles are to glorify God for His mercy, as it is written: ‘Therefore will I confess to Thee, O Lord, among the Gentiles, and will sing to Thy name!’ And again he saith: ‘Rejoice, ye Gentiles, with His people!’ And again: ‘Praise the Lord, all ye Gentiles; and magnify Him, all ye people!’ And again Isaias saith: ‘There shall be a root of Jesse; and He that shall rise up to rule the Gentiles, in Him the Gentiles shall hope!’” |
Poster available in THREE sizes (1) A PDF poster measuring 8.5 x 11 inches (Letter Size) (2) A PDF poster measuring 11 x 17 inches (Tabloid Size) (3) A PDF poster measuring 13 x 19 inches (Super Photo Size) Immaculate Heart of Mary, Heart of my Mother, Our Lady of Guadalupe, I unite to thy purity, thy sanctity, thy zeal and thy love, All my thoughts, words, actions, and sufferings of this day, That there may be nothing in me that does not become, through thee, A pleasure to Jesus, a profit to souls, And an act of reparation for the offenses against thy Heart. Amen. |
Poster available in THREE sizes (1) A PDF poster measuring 11 x 8.5 inches (Letter Size) (2) A PDF poster measuring 17 x 11 inches (Tabloid Size) (3) A PDF poster measuring 19 x 13 inches (Super Photo Size) For Holy Mass I must myself prepare!
But is time spent on prayer or my face and hair? I must take care to appear my best! But is it for Our Lord, or all the rest? Do I go Our Lord to see? Or do I go so that all can see me? |
CLICK HERE OR ON THE BOOK COVER TO GO TO THE APPROPRIATE PAGE At the expressed desire of the Directors of the Bulletin Notre Dame de la Bonne Mort (Our Lady of the Good Death), this pamphlet is published with all the reservations ordered by the Church in the decree of Pope Urban VIII, and as a purely historical document. It was sent to that periodical by a zealous and devout missionary and is a pious document based on alleged conversations between a nun and a soul in Purgatory. This manuscript contains very interesting statements about the life beyond the grave, particularly about Purgatory. The details are intermingled with much spiritual direction. Its authenticity is beyond doubt. A nun, identified for us merely as Sister M. de L. C., of a convent at V., without warning began to hear prolonged sighs beside her. This was in November 1873. She cried out, “Oh, who are you, you frighten me. Whatever you do, don’t show yourself. Tell me, who are your?” No answer was forthcoming. The sighs continued and even came nearer. In vain did the poor Sister multiply her prayers, communions, ways of the cross, and rosaries. The sighs did not cease and remained unexplained until February 15, 1874, when a voice she recognized was heard saying: “Do not be afraid, you will not see me in my sufferings. I am Sister M. G.” Sister M. G. was a nun who had died at V., a victim to devotion and duty, February 22nd, 1871, at the age of 36.
Poster available in THREE sizes 1. PDF 8.5 inches by 11 inches 2. PDF 11 inches by 17 inches 3. PDF 13 inches by 19 inches (click here) to go to downloads page |
Poster available in THREE sizes 1. Adobe PDF 8.5 inches by 11 inches 2. Adobe PDF 11 inches by 17 inches 3. Adobe PDF 13 inches by 19 inches (click here) to go to downloads page |
Poster available in THREE sizes 1. PDF 8.5 inches by 11 inches 2. PDF 11 inches by 17 inches 3. PDF 13 inches by 19 inches (click here) to go to downloads page |
(feast day today: October 24th) Click on the St. Raphael poster alongside to go to the DOWNLOADS page. Scroll down and look under "ANGEL POSTERS" Available in THREE sizes (1) Letter Size ( 8.5 inches x 11 inches) (2) Tabloid Size (11 inches x 17 inches) (3) Super Photo Size (13 inches x 19 inches) |
Poster FATIMA MIRACLE OF THE SUN Poster available in TWO sizes only 1. Adobe PDF 11 inches by 17 inches 2. Adobe PDF 13 inches by 19 inches (click here) to go to downloads page |
Poster available in THREE sizes (1) A PDF poster measuring 11 x 8.5 inches (Letter Size) (2) A PDF poster measuring 17 x 11 inches (Tabloid Size) (3) A PDF poster measuring 19 x 13 inches (Super Photo Size) Praying like a machine-gun may be fun,
But with fast prayers battles are seldom won! Yet victory needs bullets to fly through the air. Likewise the Church's triumph needs lots of prayer. In war a soldier fights more than just ten minutes a day Soldiers of Christ must force themselves much more to pray. |
Poster available in LETTER size only (click here) to go to downloads page (1) A PDF poster measuring 11 x 8.5 inches (Letter Size) Our thorn-crowned Savior stands alone
His "faithful" followers have all away flown The banner of the Cross is unfurled Yet they prefer the banner of the world No prayer, or penance, or sacrifice is found As the worldlings prefer to flock around The allurements that the world presents Making Hell rejoice, while Heaven laments Blindly they follow the broad wide road Seeking fun, rejecting the Cross and its load For pleasure and wealth is before their eyes Blinding them to their ultimate demise |
Poster available in THREE sizes (1) A PDF poster measuring 11 x 8.5 inches (Letter Size) (2) A PDF poster measuring 17 x 11 inches (Tabloid Size) (3) A PDF poster measuring 19 x 13 inches (Super Photo Size) Do you have a license to pray?
Or do you wing it every day? The Rules of Prayer do you heed? Or do you disregard them as you speed? Prayer can be a matter of life and death So don't blurt out prayers in one single breath! He who prays well, also lives well But he who prays badly may end up in ....! |
Poster available in THREE sizes (1) A PDF poster measuring 11 x 8.5 inches (Letter Size) (2) A PDF poster measuring 17 x 11 inches (Tabloid Size) (3) A PDF poster measuring 19 x 13 inches (Super Photo Size) Our Lord came the world to save
Yet we make ourselves of the world a slave! The Kingdom of God we first should seek, Yet most seek the world all through the week! We gorge on the world with appetite unrestrained, Until the prince of the world has us entangled and chained! |
A saint who is sad, is indeed a sad saint!
Yet if your god is your belly, a saint you ain't! A bit of humor with a little truth, Can help us change, as we grow long in the sweet tooth! Many a true word can be said in jest, If their goal is to bring out of us our best! Faith grows dim when we God no longer seek; And that, in turn, makes our love of God weak! For we were made to love God with all our heart! Yet today God is forsaken and many from Him depart! When man turns from God to material things, Inevitably chastisement this brings! |
Crosswords can be a fun way of reminding ourselves of what we already know and also learning new facts that we did not know. We hope to regularly post crosswords that deal with a variety of aspects concerning Our Lady: her life, her apparitions, her messages and devotion to her in general. We hope you find time over your favorite snack or drink to tackle these not-too-difficult crosswords.
You can download each crossword in an Adobe PDF format (which will include the blank crossword, the clues and a filled-in crossword showing the correct answers; or you can print the crossword from what you see online, that is on your computer screen (which will include the blank crossword and the clues, BUT NO ANSWERS, as the answers will be posted a day or two later. Enjoy! Ave Maria! (CLICK HERE TO GO TO THE CROSSWORD PUZZLE PAGE) |