Devotion to Our Lady |
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“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son; that whosoever believes in Him, may not perish, but may have life everlasting” (John 3:16).
“Jesus, knowing that His hour was come, that He should leave this world to the Father: having loved His own, who were in the world, He loved them to the very end” (John 13:1). “God is charity. By this has the charity of God been shown towards us, because God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we may live by Him. In this is charity: not as though we had loved God first, but because God has loved us first, and He sent his Son to be a payment for our sins” (1 John 4:8-10) |
“For the Father himself loves you, because you have loved Me, and have believed that I came out from God” (John 16:27).
“You were once dead in your sins and offences, for in the past you walked along the paths of this world, led by the devil and his spirit, which now works on the children of the unbelievers. We followed and communicated with this spirit of the devil and world in times past, through the desires of our body, fulfilling the will of the body and of our thoughts; and we were children deserving the anger of God, just like all the rest. But God, who is rich in mercy, through His excessive charity, by which He loves us, even though we were dead in sin, brought us all to life in Christ (by whose grace you are saved) and has raised us up together, and has made us sit together in the heavenly places, through Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 2:1-6). |
There is a wonderful little book called Words of Love, compiled by Fr. Gottemoller, that takes quotes from visions that three mystics had of Our Lord — Sister Josefa Menendez (1890-1923); Sister Mary of the Holy Trinity (1901-1942); and Sister Consolata Betrone (1903-1946). Here are some of those quotes of Our Lord, concerning His love for souls.
"Ah! If only souls knew My Heart ... mankind is ignorant of My Heart’s mercy and goodness: that is My greatest sorrow." (The Way of Divine Love, Sister Josefa Menendez, p.82). "Yes, I love all souls, but with very special affection those who are the most weak and little." (The Way of Divine Love, Sister Josefa Menendez, p.399). "Do not make Me out to be a God of rigor, whereas I am nothing but a God of Love!" (Jesus Appeals to the World, by Lorenzo Sales, I.M.C., p.36). "I am all love, and how then could I treat severely those I so love?" (The Way of Divine Love, Sister Josefa Menendez, p.201). "Write --'The Gentle Heart of Jesus' — for everyone knows that I am holy, but not all know that I am gentle!" (Jesus Appeals to the World, by Lorenzo Sales, I.M.C., p.36). |
GOD LOVES YOU! GOD REALLY LOVES YOU! The secret is that most Catholics know that to be true IN WORDS, but very few really believe that to be a DAILY REALITY. That is because most people limit their Faith to the closet of their mind, and never let it out into their daily world. There is a divorce between KNOWING and DOING. We KNOW MANY THINGS about the Faith, but we DO VERY LITTLE with that knowledge. It might be the same thing in our family life. We know that we love our parents, but we do very little about it. It is limited to just words: “I love you, mom!” “I love you, dad!” But the love is not shown by actions anywhere near as often as it should be shown.
The same works in reverse. We KNOW GOD LOVES US (in theory), but we FAIL TO EXPERIENCE GOD’S LOVE (in practice). We are blind to that love of God for us. That is because we want to be loved by receiving sweet things, nice things, or beautiful things. Yet God does not love us in that worldly way. Remember the words of Our Lady to St. Bernadette at Lourdes? Our Lady loved Bernadette and so she said to Bernadette: “I don’t promise to make you happy in this world, but in the next!” Our Lord said something similar to His Apostles at the Last Supper. He loved His Apostles and so He said to them: “Amen, amen I say to you, that you shall lament and weep, but the world shall rejoice; and you shall be made sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turned into joy” (John 16:20). They would suffer in this world, which would lead to eternal joy in Heaven. St. Peter, who was there that night, tells us: “You shall greatly rejoice, if now you must be, for a little while, made sorrowful in various temptations” (1 Peter 1:6). |
That is why we are almost afraid to be loved by God and to love God in return—because of what it would mean. For true love is “reciprocal” — that is a fancy word for what moderns might call “two-way-street”. In other words, love is two things: it is about giving and receiving. We receive love, we give love. We are happy to receive God’s love, but we are a little worried about returning it!
We are afraid that returning God’s love might mean doing certain things, or doing without certain things, that we are not ready to do at the moment! “Later!” “Tomorrow!” we say; but we find out later that tomorrow never comes — we always put it off to the next day, to another day, to a later day. That is why our relationship with God never really takes off — it goes only so far, and then we pull back, out fear of what it may cost. We take two steps forwards and then two steps backwards. We end up going nowhere fast in our love of God. |
“A certain man running up and kneeling before Jesus, asked Him: ‘Good Master, what shall I do that I may receive life everlasting?’ And Jesus said to him: ‘If thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.’ The young man saith to Him: ‘All these I have kept from my youth, what is yet wanting to me?’ And Jesus looking on him, loved him, and said to him: ‘One thing is wanting unto thee: If thou wilt be perfect, go, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in Heaven; and come, follow Me. And when the young man had heard this word, being struck sad at that saying, went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions. And Jesus looking round about, said to His disciples: ‘How hardly shall they that have riches, enter into the kingdom of God!’ And the disciples were astonished at His words. But Jesus again answering, said to them: ‘Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches, to enter into the kingdom of God? It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God’” (Matthew 19:16-24; Mark 10:17-25).
Our Lord encourages us go forwards: “Every one that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands for my name's sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and shall possess life everlasting” (Matthew 19:29).
“Jesus said to his disciples: If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me” (Matthew 16:24). “My sheep hear my voice: and I know them, and they follow Me” (John 10:27). “He that loveth father or mother more than Me, is not worthy of Me; and he that loveth son or daughter more than Me, is not worthy of Me. And he that taketh not up his cross, and followeth Me, is not worthy of Me. He that findeth his life, shall lose it: and he that shall lose his life for Me, shall find it” (Matthew 10:37-39). |
“Let us therefore love God, because God has loved us first” (1 John 4:19). “My little children, let us not love in word, nor in tongue, but in deed, and in truth” (1 John 3:18).
Jesus said: “Greater love than this no man hath, that a man lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13), and St. John, His beloved Apostle says: “In this we have known the charity of God, because he hath laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren” (1 John 3:16). “Walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath delivered himself for us” (Ephesians 5:2), for as Lord said: “As long as you did it to one of these My least brethren, you did it to Me.” (Matthew 25:40). |
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Just as we wash our food and wash our hands before eating--to wash away any germs or poisons--we also have to wash away any bad books, or anything that makes us grow cold or careless toward God, or things that can take us away from God and the things of God. There are many poisonous or dangerous things for the soul--that can kill God’s life in our soul (we call this the life of grace)—and we all know what happens if we die without grace in our soul, don’t we? (Ask the children to answer the question)
Yes! That’s right! We will go to Hell if we die without God’s grace in our soul! So the most important thing in our life is not having fun; nor playing games; nor having many friends; nor having lots of money and things to eat and drink, nor having lots of clothes to wear, nor having nice big houses! The MOST IMPORTANT THING IN OUR LIFE is to get the grace of God, to grow in the grace of God, to keep the grace of God and to die with the grace of God in our souls! Grace is like food for the body or like gas for the car. If I don’t eat, I will be sick and weak and won’t be able to do much of anything. If I don’t fill my car with gas and keep refilling it with gas, then I won’t be able to go where I want to go! Now where is it that WE want to go? (Ask the children to answer the question) |
That is the secret of getting to Heaven! That is the secret of avoiding Hell! In our next talk, I’ll tell you another secret—AN EVEN BIGGER ONE!
Also, why not tell someone else about this little secret that you now know? You might be planting the seed of Heaven in someone else’s soul! Too many people have forgotten what it is that REALLY matters in life! It is not only adults that teach children. Children can also teach adults. So if you see adults living and acting the wrong way, let them into the secret that Heaven matters much more than the silly—and sometimes sinful—things of this life. The more we surround ourselves with other people who are living for Heaven and not living for this world, the easier it will be to get to Heaven! So let someone else into your secret! Share it! May God bless you and Our Lady watch over you until we meet again for our next talk! |
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Grace is like food for the body, or like gas for the car. If I don’t eat, I will feel faint and weak, or even get sick, and won’t be able to do much of anything. If I don’t fill my car with gas and keep refilling it with gas, then I won’t be able to drive to where I want to go!
Now where is it that WE want to go? Yes, of course, we all want to go to Heaven! So we need the strength to be able to make the long journey through this dangerous and difficult life to Heaven, and, therefore, we need to fill our souls with lots of ‘spiritual food and spiritual gas’—which is the grace of God! That is the most important thing that we must always look out for—ways to get, keep, and grow in the grace of God. |
That is the secret of getting to Heaven! That is the secret of avoiding Hell! In our next talk, I’ll tell you another secret—AN EVEN BIGGER ONE!
Also, why not tell someone else about this little secret that you now know? You might be planting the seed of Heaven in someone else’s soul! Too many people have forgotten what it is that REALLY matters in life! It is not only adults that teach children. Children can also teach adults. So if you see adults living and acting the wrong way, let them into the secret that Heaven matters much more than the silly—and sometimes sinful—things of this life. The more we surround ourselves with other people who are living for Heaven and not living for this world, the easier it will be to get to Heaven! So let someone else into your secret! Share it! May God bless you and Our Lady watch over you until we meet again for our next talk! |