Devotion to Our Lady |
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1. The mystery of the Rosary where Lord is clothed in purple and mocked by the Roman soldiers, who genuflect before Him (8 letters, 4 letters, 6 letters) 7. The first word of the Angel Gabriel to Our Lady in the first mystery of the Rosary—in Latin (3 letters) 10. The mystery of the Rosary where the disciples are gathered with Our Lord on Mount Olivet and see two angels (9 letters) 11. The mystery of the Rosary that was pronounced a dogma in 1950. (10 letters) 12. The majority of Jews could not _ _ _ that Jesus was the Messias (3 letters) 14. “Why call you me, Lord, Lord; and do _ _ _ the things which I say? (3) 15. Many of the soldiers and temple police carried one of these to help see where they were going when they came to arrest Jesus (5 letters) 18. Jesus died for all, but _ _ _ all will be saved (3 letters) 19. Our Lord said: “Take ye, and _ _ _ . This is my body.” (3 letters) 20. Bethlehem is _ _ _ _ to Jerusalem (4 letters) 21. “Isaias saith: There shall be a _ _ _ _ of Jesse; and he that shall rise up to rule the Gentiles, in him the Gentiles shall hope.” (4 letters) 22. Initials standing for an abbreviation of Jesus’ name (3 letters). 23. An alternative spelling of the name of the prophetess in the Temple (3 letters) 24. The mystery of the Rosary where Our Lady receives painful news about the future (12 letters) 25. An abbreviation for the New Testament (2 letters) 26. An abbreviation for the Old Testament (2 letters) 27. The mystery of the Rosary that has the guards terrified (12 letters). 31. The mystery of the Rosary that has doctors in it (7 letters, 2 letters, 3 letters, 6 letters) |
2. The word that means grief and suffering, which Jesus hurls at the Pharisees many times in one single encounter (3 letters) 3. After His Resurrection, Jesus said to them: “Fear not. _ _, tell My brethren that they go into Galilee, there they shall see Me.” (2 letters) 4. Jesus showed great _ _ _ _ (restraint and diplomacy) in the face of his enemies (4 letters) 5. And Mary rising up in those days, went into the hill country with _ _ _ _ _ into a city of Juda. (5 letters) 6. The Medieval English word for “cross” that might sound a little impolite (4 letters) 8. Our Lady shows great charity to her neighbor in this mystery of the Rosary (10 letters) 9. The mystery of the Rosary that leaves the Mary out in the cold (8 letters) 10. This mystery of the Rosary sees Our Lord struggle with the temptation to quit (5 letters, 2 letters, 3 letters, 6 letters) 11. The mystery of the Rosary on earth, where Mary is the only human being present (12 letters) 12. The mystery of the Rosary that Pontius Pilate thought would satisfy the hatred of the Jews for Jesus and avoid having Him crucified (8 letters) 13. The happy day (or feast day) that Jesus had promised to the Apostles at the Last Supper—it is in one of the mysteries of the Rosary (9 letters) 16. The mystery of the Rosary where Our Lady is rewarded (10 letters) 17. This happens at the end of the fifth sorrowful mystery of the Rosary (5 letters, 4 letters) 24. The Pharisees were too _ _ _ _ _ to accept and follow Jesus (5 letters) 28. The Cross is sometimes called the “_ _ _ _ of Life” (4 letters) 29. It is this that caused Jesus to come into our world and die for us (3 letters) 30. Before ascending to Heaven, Jesus said to His disciples: “Going therefore, teach ye _ _ _ nations” (3 letters) |
Click on the Adobe PDF file on the left in order to download the crossword to your computer. The answers are on PAGE 3, so don't cheat and peek before you have attempted completing the crossword! Enjoy!
1. The first 5 mysteries of the Rosary are called the _ _ _ ful mysteries (3 letters) 3. The name of the country that Our Lady wants to be consecrated to her Immaculate Heart (6 letters) 5. The name of the village where Our Lady appeared to three shepherd children in 1917 (6 letters). 8. Praying the Rosary helps us to overcome this evil (3 letters) 9. The country in which Fatima is found (8 letters) 11. The month in which the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated (5 letters) 13. The sacramental that has the promise attached to it that whoever dies wearing it, will not suffer the fires of Hell (13 letters) 16. Our Lady is sometimes called the “New _ _ _” (3 letters) 17. The spouse of Our Lady (6 letters) 18. The place in France where Our Lady appeared to St. Bernadette (7 letters) 19. The first word of the “Hail Mary” in Latin (3 letters) 20. The color of the Scapular of the Immaculate Heart promising the conversion of sinners (5 letters) 23. The first and last name of the Saint to whom Our Lady gave the Brown Scapular (5 & 5 letters) 26. The Fatima apparitions took place just outside the village at the COVA DA _ _ _ _ (4 letters) 28. One of the conditions for the Sabbatine Privilege of the Brown Scapular is not to eat _ _ _ _ on Wednesdays and Fridays (4 letters) 32. The True Devotion Consecration to Mary is sometimes call a _ _ _ _ _ Consecration, because we give everything to her (5 letters) 33. Our Lady said at Fatima that God wanted to establish in the world devotion to her _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (10 & 5 letters) 35. Our Lady is always telling us to do more and more of this. We should do this before anything else (4 letters) 36. The place high in the mountains of France, where a sorrowful Our Lady appeared to two shepherd children. It is called La _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (7 letters) |
1. The Son of Mary (5 letters) 2. The kind of bomb that was dropped during the World War II on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where the Franciscans and Jesuits came out alive, because the prayed the Rosary daily and lived the Fatima message (4 letters) 4. The name of girl and friend of Maximin, to whom Our Lady appeared in France in 1846 (7 letters) 6. The sacramental that Our Lady gave to St. Catherine Labouré at the apparition at the convent on the Rue du Bac, Paris in 1830 (10 & 5 letters) 7. We are living in the _ _ _ of Mary (3 letters) 10. Another name by which the Blessed Virgin is commonly known (3 & 4 letters) 12. Our Lady complained at Fatima about the immodesty in the way people _ _ _ _ _ (5 letters) 14. The prayer Our Lady wants us to say each day (6 letters) 15. Our Lady repeated this word 3 times in a row when she appeared at Lourdes in 1858 (7 letters) 21. Our Lady promised that in the _ _ _ her Immaculate Heart would triumph (3 letters) 22. Our Lady promised St. Dominic, as one of the 15 Promises to those who pray the Rosary, that they would obtain whatever they _ _ _ of Our Lady through the Rosary (3 letters) 24. Our Lady is our Spiritual _ _ _ _ _ _ (6 letters) 25. The True Devotion Consecration to Mary means _ _ _ _ _ _ everything to Our Lady (6 letters) 27. Three letters that are an abbreviation or a shortened form of the words Immaculate Heart of Mary (3 letters) 29. The fires of Hell, that Our Lady showed the three children at Fatima, are very, very _ _ _ (3 letters) 30. The first word of the Hail Holy Queen prayer in Latin (5 letters) 31. The name of one of the three children at Fatima, to whom Our Lady appeared (4 letters) 32. St. Louis de Montfort’s greatest book on Our Lady is called “_ _ _ _ Devotion to Mary” (4 letters) 34. The Angel at Fatima left the chalice and the host suspended in the _ _ _ and then knelt at adored it (3 letters) |