Devotion to Our Lady |
Wasting Time on Screens The latest figures suggest the average person spends upwards of 40% of their waking hours on an internet-connected screen. From smartphones to tablets and smartwatches to TVs―screens are everywhere. Alongside (on the left) you will see a chart that shows the average US screen time viewing from the year 2013 to 2021. The average American spends 7 hours and 4 minutes staring at a screen per day. Globally, the average screen time per day is 6 hours 58 minutes. The average American spends over 2 hours a day on social media. 93.5% of Americans stream TV on the internet. Americans spend an average of 3 hours and 43 minutes on their internet access smartphones per day and an average of 2 hours and 45 minutes watching television. American teenagers from lower-income households (below $35,000 annual household income) spend 9 hours and 19 minutes on their screens each day. That is 2 hours and 3 minutes more than the 7 hours and 16 minutes averaged by teenagers from higher income households ($100,000+ annual household income). Below is a chart showing 20 of the most active screen time users throughout the world: |
This also applies to the spiritual life. The more we acquire the love of God by keeping His commandments―“If you love Me, keep My commandments!” (John 14:15)―then the less we start to fear the anger of God towards those who do not keep His commandments. What is happening is that our fear grows from one kind of fear into another kind of fear―we progress from merely being afraid of God’s punishments for sin, into a superior kind of fear that now fears to offend God because we love Him and we don’t like offending those whom we love. The fear of sinning due to God’s punishments for sin is called “servile fear” (the fear of a servant towards his master), whereas the fear of offending God by sinning because we love Him is called “filial fear” (the fear of a loving child towards his father).
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Elephants and Monkeys!
We have all heard the expression: “the elephant in the room.” It is an in English metaphorical idiom that refers to an obviously important or enormous topic, question, or controversial issue ― that everyone knows about, but no one mentions or wants to discuss it and so it is deliberately ignored, because it makes at least some of them uncomfortable and is personally, socially, or politically embarrassing, controversial, inflammatory, or dangerous. The more the world around us becomes Totalitarian and Communist, the more dangerous becomes the risk of pointing out “the elephant in the room” of politics, medicine, law and culture. To speak of “the elephant in the room” has almost become a hate crime―whereby it is now a “sin” to speak out against sin! Where truth is labeled as a lie, or misinformation, disinformation or a conspiracy theory―whereas lies are peddled as the truth, and conspiracies are peddled as “humanitarian acts” for the benefit of the common good; and crime is peddled as a “virtue”, but true virtue is now a crime. Thus we now have the murder of abortion being called healthcare; the murder of euthanasia being called compassionate care, etc. “The hour cometh, that whosoever killeth you, will think that he does a service to God!” (John 16:2). “Woe to you that call evil good, and good evil―that put darkness for light, and light for darkness―that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaias 5:20). Monkeying Around with People’s Lives One of major “elephants in the room” is the worldwide push for universal vaccination. Everyone must be vaccinated against the bogeyman Covid virus! You are a public enemy if you refuse to accept vaccination―a threat to society; a health terrorist; a granny-killer; a heartless fiend! You deserve to be locked-up, isolated, sacked, and have all privileges removed! Why? Because you refuse to accept a untried, undocumented, unproven vaccine for a disease that has a 99% recover rate!!! Insanity! In that case we should all be vaccinated against colds, runny noses, coughs, etc. Go stick your vaccine in yourself, you hypocrite (or hyperdermocrite)!! They are monkeying around with the lives of innocent men, women, children and babies! Yet we “zip-a-lip”, “shut-up-and-put-up”, close our eyes, plug our ears and tape our mouths so that we can see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil about the obvious, blatant, enormous “elephant in the room”! Those who legislate for and allow the murdering of babies in the womb by abortion, those same people will have no problem “aborting” or murdering adults outside the womb with vaccination. The so-called “vaccines” are killing adults and also killing babies in the womb by provoking miscarriages. Those who have not been vaccinated have a much greater chance of survival and life than those who have given-in to the propagandized pressure for universal vaccination. Death rates are the lowest among the unvaccinated in all age groups. In every single month since the beginning of 2022, partly vaccinated and double vaccinated 18-39-year-olds have been more likely to die than unvaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds. Triple vaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds however have had a mortality rate that has worsened by the month from February 2022 onwards. In February, 2022, triple vaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds were 27% more likely to die than unvaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds, with a mortality rate of 26.7 per 100,000 among the triple vaccinated and 21 per 100,000 among the unvaccinated. Things have unfortunately got even worse for the triple vaccinated ― by May 2022 data shows that triple vaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds were 52% more likely to die than unvaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds in May. The worst figures so far though are among the partly vaccinated, with May seeing partly vaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds being 202% more likely to die than unvaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds. Vaccines are the Monkey on Our Backs The definition for “having a monkey on your (or one’s) back”, is: “to have a problem or burden that is hard to solve and which lasts for a long time; a vexing emotional problem that makes one’s life difficult; a longstanding worry or anxiety.” The most likely explanation for this idiom is that the monkey refers to the devil. Monkeys have often, throughout history, been associated with evil, the devil, heresy, and other irreligious concepts. This is possibly because monkeys appear to be some kind of distorted caricature of humans―and when we sin, we become subhuman in a sense, we sink below the dignity that God gave us by making us in His own image and likeness, and, by sin, we become more like the originator of sin―the devil. “He that commits sin is of the devil―for the devil sinned from the beginning” (1 John 3:8). Furthermore, the devil has often been depicted as riding on a person’s back and has often been painted as a distorted monkey creature. In Christian iconography, monkeys represent base instincts such as lust, greed and malice, and can even represent the devil. In Christian art, the figure of the ape has often been used to symbolize sin―especially malice, cunning, and lust. Devil on the Shoulder Fr. Gabriele Amorth, the recently deceased (2016) chief exorcist of Rome says: “The smoke of Satan has entered everywhere. Everywhere! … Everyone is vulnerable! … Who becomes possessed? No one can consider themselves excluded: they can be young or old, believers or atheists, Christians or those of other religions. Through the years there have been Muslims who have had serious cases of possession. Not even consecrated religious are ruled out! Today, families are among the most targeted by the ordinary action of Satan! … There is no doubt that today’s media have done much in favor of Satan, first by the immorality of certain shows, the abundance of movies showing violence, horror or sex. Apart from this, the media have put in the limelight and have given popularity to figures of wizards and magicians―and so they give publicity to their evil works ... We must begin by setting aside the figures derived from traditional depictions of the devil with horns, a tail, the wings of a bat, talons, and inflamed eyes. Being a pure spirit, evidently he cannot embody these characteristics. If these images can help us to fear his actions toward us — and we have good reason to — then we should welcome them; but, on the other hand, we risk making the devil appear like an ancient relic, a frill of times past, and the stuff of simpletons. There is a great danger in over-relying on these images, and they can be of service to the devil! … The first thing we must do is to realize that the devil exists! If you don’t believe in his existence, then you are doing him a favor! That’s exactly what he wants you to believe! … Remember, when we jeer at the Devil and tell ourselves that he does not exist, that is when he is happiest!” Fr. Amorth then explains how Satan can virtually become a “devil on the shoulder” of everyone in the world: “The devil deals in two things ― He has an ordinary activity and an extraordinary activity. His ordinary activity is to tempt man toward evil, to lead him to temptation, to sin, to push him to break divine law. His extraordinary activity—and it is very rare—is to give people malign disorders.” Fr. Amorth then explains four different ways in which Satan can act in his extraordinary way upon people: “There are various ways in which Satan can act upon you, ranging from actual bodily possession, to torments, illnesses and possession of your home. Demon-possessed people, that is, those whose body has ‘physically’ been invaded by satanic spirits, are very rare. But there are many people who are disturbed or oppressed by Satan … One can be subjected to the attacks of the demon in four cases. Either because it constitutes a blessing for the person and such is the case with many of the saints, or because of irreversible persistence in sin, or because one is the victim of a curse uttered in the name of the demon, or else when one gives oneself up to practices of occultism.” (1) The most severe is demonic possession: “Satan, or one of his minions, enters the body of the possessed, who appear to be living with a devil within ... I believe God sometimes singles out certain souls for a special test of spiritual endurance, but more often people lay themselves open to possession by dabbling with black magic ... There are times when one enters into the possession of the devil, or under his influence, and experiences certain disturbances without being possessed and it is the person’s fault for having practiced occultism … Some are entrapped by a satanic cult. Others are the victims of a curse ... We have several saints who were possessed by the devil for even long periods of time, or who were tormented greatly by the devil.” (2) The second classification of demonic evil is obsession, or torment. This is when evil forces disturb someone from the outside, rather than directly inhabiting the soul. Fr. Amorth explains: “Think of [the stigmatic saint] Padre Pio. He used to be beaten bloody by the devil. He would be thrown off his bed every time he fell asleep, but he wasn’t possessed. He was simply tormented. Or think of people who become fixated on an idea or concept, that creeps into their very soul, and leads them to madness or even suicide. That is a demonic torment … I have had cases involving people from all walks of life: simple people, housewives, but also professors, doctors and politicians, lay people as well as priests and nuns. It is important to specify that demonic possession and obsession involves the body. Satan can affect someone’s body, but never their soul. He can only become the master of someone’s soul if that person hands it over to him by his/her own free will. Thus anyone can end up in Satan’s grip. There have even been saints who have been seriously disturbed by Satan’s force … Whoever lives in indifference, in absent-mindedness, far from God, is open to an easy satanic conquest. Worse still are those who look for experiences beyond the limit and seek out the satanic world. In these cases, it is practically impossible to avoid ending up in the Devil’s clutches ... The most frequent way that a person is tormented by the devil is because of a curse. It is possible for a person to go to a magician, a witch or someone related to the devil and pay him to call a curse down upon a certain person. If the person is in the state of grace and prays, it is difficult for the curse to take effect. But if the person is less protected from the spiritual point of view, it is easier for the curse to affect him.” (3) The third type is a vaguer and less direct method of satanic attack, a curse that can harm one’s work, health, and love life. “The Devil has the power to cause physical and mental illnesses. There have been numerous cases in which I have met people who had spent a fortune, going from one specialist to another, in an attempt to relieve their suffering. Yet, their doctors, having carried out all sorts of tests, including the most sophisticated, were unable to find anything wrong. And yet these people continued to suffer and feel themselves slowly dying. Such disorders are thus mysterious, but real, causing these people to lose weight, reducing them to skin and bones and making them often bed-ridden. In such cases, it is possible that the Devil has a hand in it, and thus only prayer and exorcism can produce useful results. I have seen people at death’s door, suffering from illnesses unknown to modern medicine, who have recovered thanks to the help of exorcisms.” (4) The fourth type is the traditional kind of haunting (think ghosts), which can infest houses, objects, and even animals. “Infestations affect houses, things, or animals.” Devil in the Vatican, Vaccine & Government The modern media plays into the devil’s hands by caricaturizing him as a smiling, bearded, tailed, pitchfork carrying devil in a red suit. Satan is ugly, sin is ugly, Hell is ugly ― there is nothing cute, pleasant, likeable or attractive about any of those things. The exorcist, Fr. Gabriele Amorth, says: “The influence of Satan is immense! Today, Satan has free hands … Satan continually tries to dominate the world ― the whole world is in the power of the evil one … The smoke of Satan has entered everywhere. Everywhere! Satanism is on the increase. Today Satan rules the world … And, yes, Satan is in the Vatican! The devil resides in the Vatican. I have no doubt about the fact that the demon tempts the authorities of the Church especially―just as he tempts every authority, those of politics and industry. Everybody is vulnerable to the work of Satan! … Evil exists in politics―quite often in fact! … The devil loves to take over business leaders and those who hold political office! Concupiscence, success and power are the three great passions on which Satan relies. In the same way that Christ was tempted, with Satan promising: “I will give you the whole world if you prostrate yourself before me!” ― in the same way we are also tempted; and Heaven knows how many fall at Satan’s feet today! … His strategy is always along the same lines. I have told him this and he admits it. He makes people believe that Hell does not exist, that sin does not exist, and that he is nothing but one more experience to try out. “Jesus works through His Church, Satan through his empire of evil … The battle against the evil spirits was begun from the very origins of the world, and will continue until the last day―as the Lord has attested. During this time, every man is on battle alert―because life on Earth is a trial of faithfulness to God. Even if this battle against Satan concerns all men and all times, there is no doubt that Satan’s power is felt more keenly in periods of history when the sinfulness of the community is more evident. When I view that period in history of the decadence of the Roman Empire, I see that today we are at the same level of decadence and moral disintegration. This is partly as a result of the misuse of the mass media (which are not evil in themselves) and partly because of Western consumerism and materialism, which have poisoned our society. “Satanism is spreading enormously! The loss of a sense of sin―that characterizes our era―helps Satan to act nearly undisturbed and, inducing man to sin, takes man progressively away from the love of God, weakens the consciences of men and women and leads them toward egoism, closing their hearts, lack of forgiveness, and doing everything for money, power, and sex. When the Faith retreats, superstition makes progress. In biblical terms, I can say that people are abandoning God to give themselves up to occultism. The terrible retreat of the Faith throughout the whole of Catholic Europe makes people throw themselves into the arms of magicians and fortunetellers, and satanic sects prosper. Devil worship is the object of great publicity among the masses―through satanic rock and celebrities like Marilyn Manson. Children are also under attack: there are magazines and comic strips that teach magic and Satanism. “Today the world does not turn from God because it is idolatrous; rather, it pursues pure atheism, so as to put science on the altar. But science does not create; it only discovers that which God has made. In turning away from the Lord, its breakthroughs are put to disastrous use. Without the Lord, progress, too, is misused. We see it in laws that go totally against nature, such as divorce, abortion, ‘gay marriage’ … we have forgotten God! … Divorce has been a disaster; abortion has been a disaster … Each year 50 million children are murdered by abortion. And euthanasia, the broken family, cohabitation ... It is all destruction! … God is God of life, and Satan is the lord of death! … Therefore, God will soon admonish humanity in a very powerful manner, He knows how to remind us of His presence! “God has instituted marriage between a man and a woman. God created men and women complementary, but here you go against the most basic principles of reason ... Jesus said, ‘What God has joined together let no man put asunder!’… Yet many Catholics vote for divorce ... Then, even worse, many Catholics voted for abortion. Abortion is against the 5th commandment: ‘Thou shalt not kill.’ I have seen many Catholics vote for abortion, and those who practice abortion are murderers who have a patron―King Herod, the author of the Massacre of the Innocents. Doctors should cure the disease and not kill! We live in a world so upset and crazy, that if today a referendum were held on euthanasia, then it would be passed. If a referendum were held on adoption of children by homosexual couples―it would pass. It is a shattered world, so here it is essential that a Christian who wants to live as a Christian, must be different from the others. Christians must stand up for their beliefs and not be shy ... As regards that animal? It is he who should be afraid of me! I act in the Name of the Lord of the world. But as for him, he is nothing but God’s monkey!” “If the people of the Church do not unite themselves with determination against Satan and fight tooth and nail ― then Satan is free to create havoc and destruction with impunity. Our Lady’s messages speak about Satan. She often spoke about this. She underlined that Satan is powerful and that he wants to destroy her plans.” Our Lady―Monkeys & Demons Fr. Amorth calls Satan “God’s monkey”. In Christian iconography, monkeys represent base instincts such as lust, greed and malice, and can even represent the devil. Monkey faces are so varied―there are over 200 species of monkeys―that it is hard to have a generic, one-face-fits-all, kind of monkey face. There is even a species of monkey called Devil Monkeys! Therefore, you are going to get all kinds of different representations of Satan as a monkey―which you could say is fair, because, as theology teaches us, no two angels are alike―in fact, each angel (in Heaven or Hell) is its own species! We might label them all as angels―but that is more for convenience sake, than for the sake of reality. In the engraving to the left of this paragraph, you will see the engraving The Virgin and Child with a Monkey by Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528). The monkey at the feet of the Blessed Virgin is a symbol of the devil. Being at feet of Our Lady shows Satan’s subjugation to Our Lady―much like the serpent that she crushes under her feet in other paintings and statues. If you take a closer look, you will see that the monkey (Satan) is chained―this reminds of the words of Our Lady of Good Success concerning Satan and her victory over him: “I, in an amazing manner, will overthrow proud Satan, crushing him under my feet, chaining him in the infernal abyss!” This is also echoed by the Fatima message, whereby Our Lady revealed to Sister Lucia that “the Devil is engaging in a battle with the Virgin, a decisive battle. It is a final battle where one party will be victorious and the other will suffer defeat!” Adding that “In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph!” Be More Like Christ―Less Like a Monkey Since, in Christian iconography, the monkey represents not only the devil, but also sin―especially lust, greed and malice―the chaining of the monkey represents controlling and restraining, not only the devil, but also sin in general. The more we sin, the more animal-like we become―because animals have no true intelligence and therefore cannot know God; they live solely on their instincts, passions and natural tendencies. We should not be “animal-like” but “godlike”―since God made man in His own image and likeness. Christ is the pinnacle and perfect example of human godliness―since He is both man and God, having both natures in one person. A baby―even though it has an intellect in what you could call “seed-form” that needs to grow―nevertheless at first acts more like an animal than a mature intelligent human being. Virtues need to be taught and cultivated and matured―that is the function and purpose of the Christian life. The devil, on the other hand, is always seeking to lead us back to our animal instincts, passions and desires. To put it one way―God is trying to make a holy human being out of us; but the devil is trying to make sinful brute animal out of us. Today, mankind seems to going backwards―back to being more animalistic than human―as the graphic below indicates. Progress has stopped and we are becoming more and more animalistic. Three Wise Monkeys or Three Stupid Monkeys?
No doubt you will have seen, at some point in your life, of the “Three Monkeys” ― one of whom covers his eyes; the other covers his ears and the third covers his mouth. If not―then you have the picture posted to the left of this paragraph. Usually, this monkey imagery is meant to represent the proverb of seeing, hearing, and speaking no evil. This imagery is relatively recent and modern in the West, but in the East, where it originated, this proverb and its physical representation go back to antiquity. Here’s a closer look at why the three wise monkeys became associated with the proverb and what it means. In Japanese culture, where many think this image originated, the so-called “three wise monkeys”—one covering his eyes, one his ears, and one his mouth—are known by their names Mizaru, Kikazaru, and Iwazaru. They symbolize the proverbial saying, “See no evil. Hear no evil. Speak no evil”. Surprisingly, their Japanese names are also a play on words. In the Japanese language, the proverb is translated as “mizaru, kikazaru, iwazaru,” meaning “see not, hear not, speak not.” The suffix -zu or -zaru is commonly used to negate a verb, or express its opposite meaning. However, the suffix -zaru can also be the modified and sounds like word for saru that means monkey in Japanese―that is why the proverb is illustrated by monkey images. The three monkeys are: (1) Mizaru, who sees no evil by covering his eyes; (2) Kikazaru, who hears no evil by covering his ears; and (3) Iwazaru, who speaks no evil by covering his mouth. The “three wise monkeys” represent the moral message of not looking at, not listening to, nor saying anything evil, as well as being morally upright in the face of any evil. However, the proverb is sometimes used sarcastically against those who like to turn a “blind eye” or a “deaf-ear” to something morally or legally wrong―as if by pretending not to have seen, or not to have heard about the wrongdoing, they will not be held accountable for it. However, as the Catholic Catechism teaches, there are nine chief ways in which we can be guilty of the sins of others: (1) by consent; (2) by concealment; (3) by command; (4) by counsel; (5) by partaking; (6) by provocation; (7) by praise or flattery; (8) by silence; (9) by defense of the ill done. Furthermore, you may have heard of the axiom: “Ignorance of the law excuses no one” which is a classic legal principle dating back to Ancient Roman―in Latin it reads: “Ignorantia legis neminem excusat.” Not knowing that you are breaking a law is not a viable defense if you are charged with a violation. With regard to the Faith, our moral obligations and our salvation―God will be totally fair. If we are truly ignorant THROUGH NO FAULT OF OURS, then God will look mercifully upon matters. However, if our ignorance is a result of indifference, or neglect, or laziness in finding out what we should have known―then God will not turn a blind-eye in His judgment of our guilt. Most Catholics are indeed guilty of indifference, negligence and laziness in matters of learning about Faith and Morals―they prefer to allocate their time to more interesting worldly things instead! They have no problem looking at a TV screen, computer screen or smartphone screen for many hours a day―but when it comes to sacrificing some hours to learn more about the Faith and Morals, then they are full of excuses. There will be no excusing such excuses! “They have a mouth, but they speak not! They have eyes, but they see not! They have ears, but they hear not!” (Psalm 134:16-17). |